Concrete Waterproofing: Save Time and Money - and Your Structures

Crystalline Waterproofing from Kryton International

The World's Only Permanent Concrete Waterproofing Solution

Monday 23 May 2011

Waterproofing Admixtures can Help Mitigate Floor Moisture Failures

Kryton Vice President Kevin Yuers responds to a question asked on the American Concrete Institute's Linkedin group, and details how a waterproofing admixture can help mitigate floor moisture failures.

Read here to learn more about crystalline concrete waterproofing systems and the unique properties of concrete admixture that make it an effective method of preventing a severe MVT situation!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Green Roofs on the Rise, Concrete Recycling Becoming Popular

Kryton's Yvonne Lee Blogs about how the popularity of recycling construction material, and green roofs, are both on the rise.

Key developments in the forefront of construction include recycling certification programs and the announcement that University of Purdue engineers are working to perfect crushing recycled concrete into aggregate that can be used in highway construction.

Additionally, green roofs are becoming more popular with the industry growing by 30% in 2010, led by major US cities recognizing the many benefits of green roofs.

Read more here!

4 Concrete Waterproofing Solutions for Concrete Structures

From Kryton's Concrete Waterproofing Blog comes an interesting new post by Marketing Coordinator Jillian Work, who presents four examples of how Kryton concrete waterproofing products solve issues for diverse concrete structures in equally diverse environments around the world.

These examples include:

Read the full post here!

Saturday 9 April 2011

Integral & Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing - Now on Squidoo!

Kryton has Joined Squidoo

Concrete Waterproofing industry leader Kryton International Inc. has launched Squidoo lenses that educates readers on integral concrete waterproofing and crystalline concrete waterproofing.

A popular Web 2.0 platform, Squidoo allows users to quickly create pages (known as lenses) on their areas of expertise, and integrate these pages with other presences on the web.

Within the lenses, readers will be able to find the following information on the following subjects:

Integral Concrete Waterproofing (
Find us on Squidoo for more information. If you have any questions, please let us know - we'd be happy to answer them on the lens.

Friday 1 April 2011

"Is Concrete Unsustainable?" - Kevin Yuers, VP at Kryton International Inc.

Is Concrete Unstainable?"

In a blog post on March 28 2011 Kryton vice president Kevine Yuers tackled a difficult question: Is concrete unsustainable?

Concrete has recently come under fire from certain environmental groups for greenhouse gas emmissions that have been wrongfully attribute to concrete. In fact, as Yuers points out, it is in fact the production of cement that causes greenhouse gas emission - and cement is merely a small part of concrete.

Furthermore, many cement producers have adopted alternative means of cement production that focus on alternative sources of energy, and waste reducation.

Another important point: from a sustainability standpoint, concrete in fact stacks up extremely well with other building materials, including wood.

Read the entire article on concrete sustainability at the official Kryton blog to see what one of the world leaders in concrete waterproofing has to say about concrete and sustainability.

For information about technology that can extend the life of concrete dramatically, such as crystalline concrete waterproofing products, please ask a concrete waterproofing expert at Kryton International Inc, or check out some learning materials including whitepapers and concrete waterproofing videos.